Monday, 21 November 2011

A New Beginning

They say "Bad things always come in threes." In my case, they always come in the dozens. However, I've always believed that with the "three bad things" always comes "three good things." Recently, that's exactly what's happened to me.

A couple of weeks ago, I had two minor medical procedures: a laparoscopy and a bone marrow biopsy. Both procedures were a success, and just as I was settling back into work, one of the doctors called and asked me to come into the cancer unit at the hospital because he'd forgotten to draw some blood. What a muppet, I thought. So, I didn't really have much of a choice. I left work early, went for the blood test, and went home in a daze.

Around the same time, I was refinancing my home loan. My sister in law is my broker and financial advisor. After reviewing the paper work, we both concluded that I had at least a $2,500 surplus in my account on my previous home loan. After the new loan application had gone through and the home valuation had come through, the bank gave me a call to advise that I had a $1413.90 shortfall. Unbelievable! My old bank took the surplus cash and said it was for "fees". Fees my eye! So, yours truly then raced down to the bank which is in the same building at work, withdrew the cash, and deposited it in an account. A few days later, the bank sent through the paperwork confirming that the deal had been finalised and my repayments could commence within the following fortnight. PHEW!

During the same week of my laparoscopy, I applied for a new role at work. If I were the successful applicant, I would be transferred to another branch which is closer to home but for only 12 months. I submitted my application on a Friday, and would you believe it - I was called on Monday for an interview. As Monday was my day off (thanks to jury duty), I agreed for an interview on Wednesday. All dolled up and ready for action, the interview took approximately 45 minutes. I can honestly say, I've never walked out of an interview with such confidence. Deep down, I knew I'd nailed it, and that the job was mine. But, you guessed it, I got an email at the beginning of the following week telling me that the recruitment was on hold until further queries had been clarified. This was the last thing I needed given all the stress I'd been under regarding the biopsy and the home loan. Only last Friday I received a call from the manager of the team I'd applied for and you guessed it - I got the role! YAY! The good news didn't stop there though. The delay in the recruitment was due to my future boss wishing to make the role permanent and it's now official. That was well worth the wait and stress, I must admit.

So, over the past few weeks, I'd been hit with three obstacles and overcome two of them within a couple of weeks. I only have the results of the biopsy and laparoscopy which I should find out tomorrow. Given the odds, I'm pretty sure I'll feel good about the outcome and my stress levels can further decrease. Fingers crossed.

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